I am home, and to me that means family and dear friends as well as the daily challenges. The comforts and modem conveniences already are wooing me away from the grand and quaint wonders of Florence.

Today I will pay lots of money (first stopping at the Bancomat) to have some memories of Italy printed out in beautiful Kodak color - which only reminds me of Fillipo Lippi's glorious angel wings. OK, so my body is home, but through the complexity of the human experience, much of my mind, and definitely my heart, are still in bella ltalia!


I am always full of questions. Such as.....

"How can I stay longer next year?"
"Can I learn to speak some Italian so I can do my part in talking with these expressive people?"
"How can I possibly communicate my Italy experience to others?"

At least with this latter question I have a couple of answers. By publishing these impressions, and by creating paintings of my memories, I can share with those of you who are interested. Then you can tell me about some of your experiences by emailing me at larsenart9@comcast.net. Please do!

Ciao and Love, Carolyn

(click here to visit www.tuscanytours.com)

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