My Color Impressions of Tuscany

Red tile roofs worn to pink and grey
     Yellow Ochre and Raw Siena buildings
          Soft green and lavender hills and fields
               Rich green upward thrust of Cypress
                    Cool gray cobblestone and tile streets
                         Cerulean blue sky and water
                              And sunsets, oh my God the sunsets!

Sunset from Piazzali Michelangelo

My Florence Moment

I am having coffee at an outside table at the OK Bar on Canto Del Tribolo watching and listening, reading and writing. And I will stay here as long as I can.

This is my Florence moment. Yes, there are tourists, and noisy traffic, etc. But two blocks ahead of me is the Basilica Annunziata where I just listened to mass and watched nuns in white kneel to pray, and where one moment I am critical of all the riches and the next I am in tears.

Five blocks behind me is the magnificent Duomo, Baptistry and Camponile, and around all are the seeking masses. I, of course, am one of them though I currently sit with my back to it.

There is a Bancomat (ATM) across the street where two hours ago I put in my card of plastic and removed 100 euros. Now I see handsome Italian men in their stylish black suits do the same.

A young man comes out of a building across from me. He is startlingly barefoot! Then I remember loving the bare feet in paintings and sculpture I've seen.

A girl in dress and helmet on her motorcycle comes to a stop near me, and I see a stunning tattoo near her ankle. Then she's off to lead her life.

It's 1 :00 PM and it's becoming overcast. Most of the stores are closing for Siesta until 3 or 4 o'clock. When I am ready to leave perhaps the book store nearby will still be open for browsing. No...I see it has closed.

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