Roof Top Terrace

Cingali Bianco (The White Boar - where I had the truffles), 055 215 706
Trattoria Za Za, (try their Strawberries in Za Za pudding for dessert) 055 21 54 11
Cantinetta dei Verrazzano, (Heavenly beyond description!) 055 268 590
Trattoria Delle Belle Donna, 055 238 2609. We were there on the 2nd anniversary of the 9/11 disaster. At the end of the meal the owner came to our table and after rapid, enthusiastic conversation in Italian with Pam, he soberly pulled out a U.S. flag he was carrying in his pocket, saying he had lost two friends in the tragedy of the World Trade Center.

As long as I'm on a roll, let me share the information on the awesome Hotel Tornabuoni Beacci where the breakfast is fresh, abundant and delicious every morning in the beautiful dining room, and where you can have lovely breaks or dinner on the roof terrace. And where everyone who works there acts like they are your personal concierge. Check them out at their website:

None of these places are on the cheap side, but I can say unequivocally that you will never be sorry if you can take advantage of anyone of them. Talking about food has made me hungry - I'll need to excuse myself.

Home Again

It's 5:00 AM here in my familiar California kitchen. I have survived the grueling trip home, and though I've had only 4 hours of sleep, I revel in the quiet coolness of the hour. A siesta nap will take care of any "splendid jetlag," to borrow a phrase from a treasured workshop participant.

The smell of my own coffee brewing is dreamy. Though it's not espresso or cappuccino, I sip from a cup and saucer that, by itself, gives me pleasure. It is a gift from "Mama" at the Cantinette dei Verrazzano restaurant. When I expressed my desire to buy one, she smiled and said "No. I give you one!"

My "Feel Good" Cup and Saucer

My old Tabby cat joins me at the table like the intimate friend that he is. Perhaps he's somewhat surprised by my presence, but is of course, the image of nonchalance.

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