Finally, across town near the Ponte Veccio (the famous bridge over
the Arno River) I find a store called Sonia Fortuna. I'd heard that
they have great "young" clothing and I'm looking for a top for my
Granddaughter who is turning 14 this month. I have fallen in love
with a shirt that is NOT on sale. Now why does this feel familiar?
I am a Grandma, I am in Florence, what can I do? I part with my
69 Euros. Wouldn't you?
Florence Weather
I'm too warm. I wish I wasn't wearing this sweater. You know...the
one I bought just for this trip? In truth, the weather is wonderful
this early September. It's a good time to be here since we're having
a little bit of everything. Just right for an adventure!
We all welcome this downpour. Out come the laughter and the umbrellas,
and my camera.
Rainy Day in Florence |
The Partaking of Food
After my sister and I were in Europe in 1989, we shared with each
other the journals we had written. The biggest difference between
them was in the area of food - specific restaurants, what was eaten,
how it tasted etc. Mine was bereft of details while hers brought
back to life all the flavors of Italy, France and Switzerland. My
shortcomings in this area shocked me, because I absolutely love
to eat. In fact, I am often thinking about dinner by the end of
lunch! Well, I haven't changed. I can tell you only that figs can
taste better than I ever thought, that I had Ossobuco for dinner
one night and it was delicious (but I had to look it up later to
find out what kind of meat it actually is...braised veal shank)
and that I had truffles for the very first time in a very yummy
pasta dish. Also, I've become fond of prosciutto, the paper thin
pieces of aged, salt-cured ham, and my appreciation for certain
cheeses, especially Pecorino, sheep's milk cheese, is well established
after two trips to Tuscany. And the wine is really, really good.
Here is a gift I can give those of you who will be traveling to
Florence...the names and phone numbers of restaurants where the
service and food are both of the highest quality: